Monday, October 3, 2011

Jones Soda

Jones soda is a small Canadian brand that distributes to Canada and parts of america. I've seen their product in gas stations and such. They are also the owners of the Arizona tea brand that is fairly famous. The reason I'm talking about Jones soda is they have a cool limited edition set of beverages that have D&D themed labels and flavors here. At nearly $11 for 6 bottles its exorbitantly expensive but still kind of neat.


  1. Looks tasty. If I would see them in a store here I would buy them.

  2. They distribute this over here in the UK too, perhaps due to the UK's links with Canada and though it's limited the stuff is absolutely delicious, I love it when I can afford it. We've had no Dungeons and Dragons bottles though, probably because flavours are limited. Very cool.

  3. They will also put your picture on the bottles if you special order them.

  4. I love Jones soda. One of the few soda products that uses real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.

  5. i have tried this soda and it's really good, although pricey for a soda.

  6. I got to say those look real tasty! :D
